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March 2025 Astrology Forecast

Throughout 2024 there were whispers of the revolutionary astrology coming in 2025 – did you hear them? Well, what astrologers like myself are most intrigued by this year is actually one month in particular: March. It represents a turning point and start of a new era for multiple reasons, and in this post I'll break it all down! There's a lot to cover, so let's jump right in to what you need to know for the month ahead...

Read by Renee forecasts the astrology you need to know for March 2025: Venus retrograde, Mercury retrograde, Venus and Mercury conjunction, Saturn Cazimi, and Neptune entering Aries.

Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces

The first astrological event I'm going to talk about actually is already in progress – Venus is slowing down as I type this and preparing to station Retrograde. But let's back up and set the scene! Venus entered Aries, a sign it does not like to be in, on February 4th. Venus embodies love, beauty, artistry, and harmony. In contrast, Aries embodies action, passion, leadership, injury & war, as well as competition. See how these archetypes are in opposition?

During any Retrograde (Rx) period, we're asked to revisit, review, redo, etc. They are opportunities for healing and growth and not anything to be afraid of! Venus will station Retrograde (i.e., begin it's journey "moving backward" through the sky) at 10º of Aries on March 1st at 7:36pm EST. It will exit Aries and return to Pisces on March 27th at 4:41am EST. Pisces represents dreams, intuition, creativity, empathy, and escapism. There, Venus will feel much more comfortable, but naturally still in Rx and therefore kick up some energy. Once Venus reaches 24º of Pisces, it'll station Direct (i.e., begin it's journey "moving forward" through the sky).

Ultimately, this Venus Rx will impact 24º of Pisces through 10º of Aries. During the Pre-Shadow Period from January 28th to March 1st, it progressed through those degrees. During the Retrograde, it retraces its step fully. That's why Rx Periods give us a little deja vu or showcase obstacles reappearing that we thought we'd dealt with! Then, the Post-Shadow Period (starting April 12th) is when Venus moves forward until it reaches that original starting point of 10º Aries. The full effect of a Rx is cleared once a planet moves out of and beyond the full shadow; a moment that arrives for us at 2am EST on May 16th.

Venus Retrograde Reputation: breakups and divorces as well as that pesky ex coming back!

Mercury Retrograde in Aries and Pisces

These two again? Yup! There are actually a chunk of overlapping degrees for the Mercury and Venus Retrogrades, which means they're bound to meet up in what's called a conjunction. When planets are conjunct, they reach the same degree of the zodiac wheel within the same sign. While Venus is retrograding in Pisces, it runs into Mercury, which first entered the mutable water sign on February 14th. This conjunction occurs on March 11th at 6:54am EST, just 4 days before Mercury itself stations Retrograde!

Mercury embodies communication, speech, the mind, technology, and travel. Blend those themes with a retrograding Venus and you may experience a day of heightened flirtation, charm, and collaboration – that you may actually want to take back later... Unlike Venus, Mercury doesn't enjoy being in Pisces at all. This retrograde means it's going to be hanging out there much longer than usual.

Mercury enters it's Pre-Shadow Period on March 1st (same day Venus goes Rx!) at 2:59am EST. It stations Rx on March 15th at 2:46am EST and eventually backs up into Pisces on March 29th at 10:18pm EST. The Post-Shadow Period ends on April 26th at 4:28am EST, several weeks sooner than Venus. In totality, the Mercury Rx impacts 26º of Pisces through 9º of Aries. Make note of how closely aligned the degrees of this Retrograde are to that of Venus. Both Rx periods are triggering some revisions, renegotiations, and recollections of these degrees in our Natal Charts!

Mercury Retrograde Reputation: tech issues, communication and travel snafus, and a foggy mind.

Saturn Cazimi in Pisces

We're officially done with Retrograde talk for the month and entering into what may be a bright spot for many: Cazimis. This term reflects the time period when a planet conjoins with the Sun, initiating a window of flow, illumination, and aha moments. Cazimis occur at the midpoint of both Direct and Retrograde motion. In this situation, Saturn is Direct and the Cazimi signals the halfway point to it stationing Retrograde again. Venus and Mercury will have their Cazimis for their Retrograde periods on March 22nd and March 24th, respectively.

Now, back to Saturn! This planet embodies restraint, maturity, wisdom, responsibility, and boundaries. Saturn entered Pisces (yes we are still talking about this sign!!!) on March 7th of 2023. It won't enter Aries until May 24th of this year, for a brief stink, so keep in mind there are still lessons to learn in this area of your Chart! Saturn also doesn't relish being in Pisces, which means this Cazimi will represent a high point you'll want to take advantage of! Mark your calendar for March 12th (exact at 6:28am EST). For the bulk of this day, you may feel inspired to set boundaries, dedicate yourself to work, step up and take something more seriously – all because you're seeing situations in a new light.

Saturn Cazimi Reputation: supports long-term commitments, lasting adjustments, and boundary-setting.

Spring 2025 Eclipses

I've got a love-hate relationship with eclipse seasons because they're invaluable, but also can be incredibly draining for intuitives such as myself! I won't be covering the Virgo and Aries eclipses (taking place on 3/14 and 3/29) in this post because we already spilled the cosmic tea in our Season 2 premiere of Synergy to Synastry (see transcript).

Neptune Enters Aries

Phew! What a month, right? March contained a whole lot of planets working through Pisces and Aries and the final days are no different! Neptune, the planet of dreams, imagination, delusion, and illusion has been in Pisces since February 3rd of 2012. Any time an outer planet (i.e., Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto) changes signs, astrologers take notice! The changing of the guard occurring in 2025-2026 is particularly stunning because all three of the outer planets are switching signs one after the other. What does this suggest? Major. Transformation.

Neptune unlike most of the planets in the March 2025 astrology is absolutely elated to be in Pisces! After all, Neptune is the modern ruler of this sign (Jupiter is the traditional one). Consider where the Neptunian and Piscean archetypes have been applying to your life for the last 13 years because that chapter is getting ready to conclude! From March 30th at 8am EST and through October 22nd at 5:28am EST, Neptune will tiptoe into Aries. Essentially offering all of us an energetic preview of what's to come from January 26th of 2026 through March 23rd of 2039. Yes, you did read that right. Buckle up everyone!

Neptune in Aries Reputation: cultural shifts and revolution, the end of empires, wartime (e.g., American Civil War), and pioneering in health science and spirituality.

March 2025 Astrology Through Your Natal Chart

As always, look to your Natal Chart for insight into the impacted areas of your life. Need hands-on assistance in deciphering Pisces and Aries (or anything else) in your Birth Chart? Through Read by Renee I provide Natal Astrology Readings to do just that! My Natal Chart Overview captures the House and Zodiac Sign combinations within your personal astrology. You'll leave our reading understanding the foundation of your Chart and how the astro weather this month translates for you through 2025 and beyond!

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